How to Save Goji Berries in Summer

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goji berry

goji berry

Recently, because of the hot weather, many customers who bought goji berries from store came up with some questions that everyone may care about. How about goji berry will be sticky when arriving home? Can it be taken? The fruit will become black after a long time, is that rotting? Why will it become sticky and black? ……Here, I arrange some of problems I know about goji berry for everyone to learn. I hope to give you some help.

Question: when is it easy to be sticky? Can it be eaten if it is sticky?

Answer: goji berries will be sticky with heat and humidity. It will be sticky at probably more than 20℃because it contains a lot of sugar, just like sugar will stick together in summer. In addition, goji berries should not be put with humidity, the sugar will be spread out from fruits and make it stick together, so the sticky can also be eaten.

Question: what should we do when the goji berries are sticky with caking? Can they be exposed to the sunshine?

Answer: no, they will be more sticky after drying because they can’t be heated. If they are sticky, they should be completely sealed and placed in the refrigerator fresh or frozen layer, be taken out after one or two days, and then be put back into refrigerator for saving.

Question: are they rotting when they become black?

Answer: if they are black on surface and not black inside, it means that they are not rotting and can be eaten.

Question: how to identify whether goji berries are dyed?

Answer: the goji berry with a white dot on one side means it is not dyed. The white dot is the pedicel of goji berry, and it will become red after dyeing. Therefore, this white dot is the key to easily identify the stain of goji berry.

Question: are goji berries the brighter the better?

Answer: no, but they are the darker the better, because the level of goji berry is in accordance with the size, as for most, the bigger and better the fruits, the more expensive the price, also, The greater the fruit, the darker the color. So the brighter goji berries may be dyed.

Question: why the bigger goji berries are easier to be sticky, the smaller ones are not?

Answer: the bigger fruit has more fructose, so the smaller goji berries with less fructose are not easy to stick together.

Question: how to save goji berries in summer?

Answer: goji berries should be completely sealed and placed in the refrigerator in fresh or frozen layer, and can be eaten all times. goji berry

Question: if we think goji berries that we bought from store are not so clean, can we wash all of them and dry in the sun?

Answer: no, goji berries can be washed just before eating, if we clean them all, they will be always sticky and will not be dry after drying. Goji berries can be dried after picked or the sugar will not be dried an more after immersing in water.

Question: are they sweet because of the addition of sugar?

Answer: sugar can not be added into goji berries. Goji berries will be sticky like honey dates if we add sugar. This sticky touch is not same as the feeling when they are heated and humid.

Question: goji berries faded when washing, were they dyed?

Answer: not always. If goji berries fade seriously after soaking in a cup of water, they must be dyed. However, goji berry contains red pigment itself, it is common that it will be faded slightly after washing. We can not conclude goji berries are dyed because of a little faded color.

Question: how to wash goji berries?

Answer: we should put them into a cup with lid and add some water, cover the lid, gently shake for a few times, and pour the water out. Also, we can put them into a cup of water and rest for 15 minutes, and then pour the water. Don’t rub them with hand or will make them ruptured, thus the nutrition and red pigment will also lose. The season why they look dyed is caused by red pigment produced by excessive rubbing.

Question: what kinds of people are not suitable for eating goji berries?

Answer: because of its warm effect, the people who are having a cold, fever, inflammation, and diarrhea had better not eat. And people who are suffering fromhigh blood pressure, quick tempered and the people who have a large number of daily intakes of meat with a reddening face had better not eat goji berries. In addition, eating goji berries can make people full of energy and romote sexual maturity, under ages the men less than 30 years old should avoid eating too much.

Question: what kinds of people are suitable for eating goji berries?

Answer: the most suitable for eating goji berries is the weak with poor resistance, but people should keep eating for a long time.

Question: how much should we eat a day?

Answer: although goji berries have great effect on nourishing and treating, they can’t be taken too much like other tonics. Generally, healthy adults should eat about 20 grams per day and 30 grams for treatment. 

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